Which LCM version is this?
LCM(6) built 1952-1980; 626 delivered 1952-1967, 220 delivered 1968-80
LCM(8) 56ft version, later (WHEN?) lengthened to 74ft; 217 built for USN up to 1967, 300 for US Army up to 1967, 1967-80 another 93 built, after 1980 another 41:
LCM(8) Mk.1: launched from 1954 (?)
LCM(8) Mk.2: no info
LCM(8) Mk.3: no info
LCM(8) Mk.4: no info
LCM(9) abortive hard chine planing craft
Other drawing of a LCM(8)
Can you send other pictures to compare?
See also here and here.