Could somebody tell me the dates of commission of these Basset-class trawlers, launched 1941-44, that served with the Royal Indian Navy ?
Karachi [RIN],
Lucknow [RIN],
Ahmedabad [RIN],
Cochin [ex Multon, RIN],
Cuttack [RIN],
Rampur [ex Barisal, RIN],
Shilong [RIN],
Amritsar [RIN],
Madura [RIN],
Poona [RIN],
Travancore [RIN],
Agra [RIN],
Berar [RIN],
Calcutta [RIN],
Patna [RIN],
Multan [ex Cochin, ex Koloba, RIN],
Baroda [RIN],
Lahore [RIN],
Nasil [RIN]
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